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Beach at Sunset

we strive to meet each woman where she is upon entering our program because everyone situation is different and every person has unique circumstances. With the help of our social worker and case manager, a mom can be put on the track to success to not only a healthy pregnancy and birth but independence.

Residents are provided a Case Manager and Social Worker who assist in navigating through medical appointments, social services, mental health, higher education and many other routine appointments. They also have access to volunteers who help with meals, teaching life skills such as budgets and smart grocery shopping, transportation to appointments, babysitting, tutoring, and so much more.​


Residents are provided with free housing and supplies during pregnancy and up to 6 months with their newborn while following Selah's transformation program. Our Hope House is beautifully furnished and centrally located in downtown Monroe, Michigan. It serves as a safe, comfortable, and loving environment for our moms and their babies. Each mom has her own room and a community living area. 

Residents can sign up for receive education classes, college classes or trade school while in Selah's program. After leaving the house, they move into the LifeLine Program, where they can continue classes, mentorship and receive assistance with supplies.

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